domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010

Siete variaciones sobre un poema de Cavafis

Απολείπειν ο θεός Aντώνιον

Σαν έξαφνα, ώρα μεσάνυχτ’, ακουσθεί
αόρατος θίασος να περνά
με μουσικές εξαίσιες, με φωνές—
την τύχη σου που ενδίδει πια, τα έργα σου
που απέτυχαν, τα σχέδια της ζωής σου
που βγήκαν όλα πλάνες, μη ανωφέλετα θρηνήσεις.
Σαν έτοιμος από καιρό, σα θαρραλέος,
αποχαιρέτα την, την Aλεξάνδρεια που φεύγει.
Προ πάντων να μη γελασθείς, μην πεις πως ήταν
ένα όνειρο, πως απατήθηκεν η ακοή σου·
μάταιες ελπίδες τέτοιες μην καταδεχθείς.
Σαν έτοιμος από καιρό, σα θαρραλέος,
σαν που ταιριάζει σε που αξιώθηκες μια τέτοια πόλι,
πλησίασε σταθερά προς το παράθυρο,
κι άκουσε με συγκίνησιν, αλλ’ όχι
με των δειλών τα παρακάλια και παράπονα,
ως τελευταία απόλαυσι τους ήχους,
τα εξαίσια όργανα του μυστικού θιάσου,
κι αποχαιρέτα την, την Aλεξάνδρεια που χάνεις.


Los Dioses abandonan a Antonio

Cuando de pronto, a medianoche, oigas
pasar el tropel invisible, las voces cristalinas,
la música embriagadora de sus coros,
sabrás que la Fortuna te abandona, que la esperanza
cae, que toda una vida de deseos
se deshace en humo. ¡Ah, no sufras
por algo que ya excede el desengaño!
Como un hombre desde hace tiempo preparado,
Saluda con valor a Alejandría que se marcha.
Y no te engañes, no digas
que era un sueño, que tus oídos te confunden,
quedan las súplicas y las lamentaciones para los cobardes,
deja volar las vanas esperanzas,
y como un hombre desde hace tiempo preparado,
deliberadamente, con un orgullo y una resignación
dignos de ti y de la ciudad
asómate a la ventana abierta
para beber, más allá del desengaño,
la última embriaguez de ese tropel divino,
y saluda, saluda a Alejandría que se marcha.

Versión de Aurora Bernárdez.

Les dieux désertent Antoine

Quand soudain, aux environs de minuit,
tu entendras passer un cortège invisible,
avec des mélodies sublimes, ponctuées de clameurs -
alors sur ta fortune qui chancelle, sur tes oeuvres
qui ont échoué, les projets de ta vie qui tous
se sont révélés n'être que chimères, ne te lamente pas en vain.
En homme prêt depuis longtemps, en homme courageux,
une dernière fois salue Alexandrie qui s'éloigne.
Surtout ne t'abuse pas, ne t'en va point dire
que ce n'était qu'un rêve, que ton oreille s'est méprise;
à d'autres d'aussi sottes espérances.
En homme prêt depuis longtemps, en homme courageux,
comme il convient à qui pareille cité s'est livrée,
approche-toi résolument de la fenêtre,
et avec émotion, certes, mais sans
les plaintes et supplications des lâches, écoute,
dans une ultime jouissance, les sons inouïs,
les si doux instruments du mystérieux cortège,
et salue-la, cette Alexandrie que tu perds.

Versión de Marguerite Yourcenar.

The God Forsaketh Anthony

If unexpectedly, in middle night,
an unseen company be heard to pass,
with music and with voices exquisite, —
turn not away and uselessly lament
your fortune that is giving in, your work
that came to nothing, the projects of your life
that proved illusory from first to last.
As one prepared long since, as fits the brave,
bid now farewell to the departing city,
farewell to the Alexandria you love.
And above all, do not deceive yourself:
say not that your impression was a dream,
that, it may be, your hearing played you false:
to futile hopes like these never descend.
As one prepared long since, as fits the brave,
as most fits you who gained so great a city,
approach the open window steadily,
and with emotion, but without the plaints
and supplications of the timorous,
listen — knowing it to be your last delight —
listen to the elysian sounds, the exquisite
instruments of the mystic company;
and bid farewell to the city you are losing,
farewell to the Alexandria you love.

Versión de John Cavafy.

The God Abandons Antony

When suddenly, at midnight, you hear
an invisible procession going by
with exquisite music, voices,
don’t mourn your luck that’s failing now,
work gone wrong, your plans
all proving deceptive—don’t mourn them uselessly.
As one long prepared, and graced with courage,
say goodbye to her, the Alexandria that is leaving.
Above all, don’t fool yourself, don’t say
it was a dream, your ears deceived you:
don’t degrade yourself with empty hopes like these.
As one long prepared, and graced with courage,
as is right for you who proved worthy of this kind of city,
go firmly to the window
and listen with deep emotion, but not
with the whining, the pleas of a coward;
listen—your final delectation—to the voices,
to the exquisite music of that strange procession,
and say goodbye to her, to the Alexandria you are losing

Versión de Edmund Keeley y Philip Sherrard.

The god abandons Antony

When at the hour of midnight
an invisible choir is suddenly heard passing
with exquisite music, with voices ―
Do not lament your fortune that at last subsides,
your life’s work that has failed, your schemes that have proved illusions.
But like a man prepared, like a brave man,
bid farewell to her, to Alexandria who is departing.
Above all, do not delude yourself, do not say that it is a dream,
that your ear was mistaken.
Do not condescend to such empty hopes.
Like a man for long prepared, like a brave man,
like the man who was worthy of such a city,
go to the window firmly,
and listen with emotion
but not with the prayers and complaints of the coward
(Ah! supreme rapture!)
listen to the notes, to the exquisite instruments of the mystic choir,
and bid farewell to her, to Alexandria whom you are losing.

Versión de George Valassopoulo.

Il Dio abbandona Antonio

A mezzanotte, d'improvviso,
quando al suono di una musica che esulta
fuori si sentono passare non visti
gli attori in allegra brigata – ebbene
sulla fortuna che sta per lasciarti, sulle tue
imprese fallite coi progetti della vita
che si palesarono illusori, non t’impietosire!
Ma da uomo preparato per tempo, da forte
salutala, la tua Alessandria che dilegua.
Non t'illudere, soprattutto non dire che fu un sogno
che le orecchie t'ingannarono; rifiuta
queste vane speranze. Come un uomo
preparato per tempo, da forte cui s'addice
l'esser degno di una città come questa,
avvicinati con passo fermo alla finestra
e commosso ma senza l'abbandono
i lamenti e le suppliche dei vili
concediti quest'ultimo piacere! ascolta il suono
il dolcissimo concerto della mistica brigata
e saluta la tua Alessandria che tu perdi.

Versión de Nelo Risi.

Il Dio abbandona Antonio

Quando tra musiche incantate udrai
Un bisbigliare di corteo invisibile
A mezzanotte sorgere, e svanire;
Sul tuo destino arreso, le fallite
Tue azioni, la vita tutta
Persa, che immaginavi - non fare
Pianti senza costrutto
E' Alessandria, che parte; tu salutala
Come pronto da tempo, come un forte.
Non dire sto sognando, allucinato
E' il mio orecchio... Questo inganno
Tròncalo, speri invano
Come pronto da tempo, come un forte
(Questo è degno di te, che meritasti
Tale città in dono) va' sicuro
Alla finestra e trepidando ascolta,
Senza i rimpianti e le suppliche dei vili
Manda un addio a quella che tu perdi,
Ad Alessandria; dagli incantati
Strumenti e suoni del divino tìaso
Un'estasi verrà, per te, suprema.

Versión de Guido Ceronetti.

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